Friday, March 7, 2014


The modus operandi of chicken biryani

Chicken marinade: 

8 chopped chicken pieces skinned. 

2 cups yogurt. Tablespoon sauce.  
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped. Tablespoon minced fresh ginger (can be replaced GINGER powder). One tablespoon white vinegar. Bharat tablespoon chicken. One teaspoon of allspice following (Curry, turmeric, onion powder, garlic powder, red pepper, cumin, salt). 

Components of rice: 
 3 cups basmati rice. Diced potato. Chopped tomato. Cup Mixed Vegetables (beans, peas, carrots). Butter or margarine. A grain of pepper (not hot) diced. Large onion sliced​​. Bharat is ground: cinnamon sticks, Hbhan (Hill), Lemon dryer, paper Laura, cloves. Cube chicken broth (optional). 1/4 tablespoon saffron. 


1 - Mix marinade ingredients and marinate the chicken well the chicken pieces and put in the fridge for a full day or two at least.  

 2 - In a deep frying pan put a little butter and add the potatoes and vegetables problem and stir, and simmer until the mid-maturity and lifted from the fire. 

3 - In a deep saucepan on the fire raises placed the butter and add the ground spices with non-flipping for two minutes.  
4 - Add the onion to the butter and stir well until it turns its color to yellow.

5 - Add the chicken Balttbalh to onions, stirring, then add the pepper cubes and the chopped tomatoes and chicken stock cube and two cups of water and leaves over medium heat until chicken is cooked completely.

 6 - Boil the rice with a little butter and salt until the middle of maturity.

 7 - After the chicken is cooked, add the vegetables and rice, the problem is added to a glass of water dissolved the saffron and stir.
8 - biryani leaves on the backburner until full maturity and beautifies with raisins and nuts, served with salad and yogurt and green salad or as desired.


 فصوص ثوم مفروم ناعم. ملعقة زنجبيل طازج مفروم (يمكن استبداله بزنجبيل بودرة). ملعقة خل ابيض. ملعقة كبيرة بهارات دجاج. ملعقة من البهارات التالية (كاري، كركم، بودرة بصل، بودرة ثوم، فلفل أحمر، كمون، ملح).

أقرا المقالة علي مدونة دواير:
3 فصوص ثوم مفروم ناعم. ملعقة زنجبيل طازج مفروم (يمكن استبداله بزنجبيل بودرة). ملعقة خل ابيض. ملعقة كبيرة بهارات دجاج. ملعقة من البهارات التالية (كاري، كركم، بودرة بصل، بودرة ثوم، فلفل أحمر، كمون، ملح).

أقرا المقالة علي مدونة دواير:


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Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.